
How insurance can lead the way in climate-conscious business

Which companies are making the biggest impact on climate change? The first industries that come to mind are most likely the obvious, high-profile players: those focused on clean energy, sustainable living, and waste reduction. 

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Tackling online fraud insurance

Tackling fraud in the insurance onboarding process

The insurance industry has been widely known as being a central focus for fraud in a digital environment. With all the improvements and the forced transition to fully digital interactions, is that still the case in 2022? 

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Digital transformation for insurance businesses

The digital future of insurance services - part 2: The importance of digital transformation

Digital transformation is no longer a nice-to-have, it is instead a necessity for insurance companies if they would like to stay competitive and appealing to new and existing customers. But it’s about more than simply surviving and staying relevant. It’s about making improvements to provide a better employee experience and working environment as well.

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Digital challenges insurance paperwork

The digital future of insurance services - part 1

In an industry known for well-established, colossal companies that dominate the market, newcomers to the insurance provider field have some distinct advantages when it comes to the implementation of digital solutions. A great example of this is Lemonade that uses AI in the form of chatbots to handle claims and provide insurance policies. Policies can be purchased and claims paid within a few minutes or less. 

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