Powerful APIs

Taktikal's software has from the beginning been designed around API web service delivery. Taktikal offers Rest API programming interfaces and interfaces for all major functions for digital signatures and electronic authentication.


Easy to use APIs for powerful signing processes

Our Rest APIs are a powerful way to build new solutions in your own interface and to integrate with the solutions that are already in operation. Documents can be sent for signature directly from your own systems, and after signing, the documents and related metadata can be automatically sent back to the document system. You can also monitor the status of documents in the signing process and call for status based on ID numbers or other unique identifiers.

This is how you can use the API

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With web service you can automate workflows and make them more productive.

Connections to archiving systems

Secure delivery of data to file systems.

API for signatures

Web services for signing, inquiries and submission of documents.

API for autentication

Web services for authentication with electronic certificates.

API for sealing

Web services for electronic sealing of documents for certification of origin of documents.

Customised signing process

Ready-made signature process for integrating websites and service websites.

API acess

Apply for API development access

Fill out the form to submit an inquiry about API web services and apply for access to the Taktikal API development environment.