Environmental policy

Environmental policy and values

We are passionate about the environment and our products reduce environmental impact. We collaborate with our customers towards reducing their carbon footprint. We trust each other to be aware of our environmental impact and contribution. We have a positive impact on environmental protection through our actions.


Environmental policy objective

Taktikal's policy is that the company's operations have as little negative impact on the environment as possible. Taktikal uses the most environmentally friendly solutions available in its operations and also provides its customers with solutions to reduce their environmental impact by using electronic trust services and electronic processes that reduce their carbon footprint.

Working environment

The office and our employees

Taktikal's environmental policy is executed in various ways on a day to day operations of the office. Our staff makes an effort to contribute by among other things using reusable water bottles, recycle trash and be mindful of food waste. The company encourages teleconferencing, eco-friendly transport and uses servers that are carbon offset.

Environmental policy in practice


No paper is used at Taktikal's office.


All trash that is generated in the office is sorted .


All disposable bottles are taken to recycling.


Our employees use reusable water bottles and coffee cups instead of disposable ones.

Food waste

There is minimal food waste in the canteen, food scraps are weighed and that provides restraint for the staff to through out less food.

Work from home

Employees can work from home when appropriate.

Eco-friendly transport

Employees are encouraged to use eco-friendly transport methods such as bikes and electric scooters.


Taktikal encourages teleconferencing and by using teleconferencing equipment for meetings with customers, employees' car trips are kept to an absolute minimum.

Carbon neutral servers

Taktikal's servers are in Azure cloud solution and research have shown that such solutions are up to 93% more energy efficient than on premise servers. In addition the servers are carbon offset.

Our product range contributes to reducing the carbon footprint

Our products

Furthermore, Taktikal works systematically with its product range to help customers reduce their carbon footprint. Digital signatures play an important role in the digital revolution that is taking place around the world. Digital signatures and automated processes also have a direct positive environmental impact.

We love the environment

Taktikal collects statistics on environmental impact based on usage of our applications. Anonymous data is stored and used to calculate distances in Google maps as well as CO2 emissions from the Automobile Industry Association.

We provide you with a customizable widget that displays your positive environmental impact in real time. You can display it anywhere you like.