Improved legal workflows, AML and digital compliance

Quickly send and sign agreements and documents from anywhere on any device. Cut out manual, time-consuming work with our digital workflow solutions.

Challenges with legal services
Standardized documents
Client onboarding
Paperwork processing
Sensitive information
Court admissibility

What our legal services clients are saying

Lex law offices logoLex law offices logo

Standardize Processes

Standardize contractual language and finalize documents working across departments easily using a collaborative platform. Reduce the risk of errors caused by unreviewed changes. Allow instant approval of documents to ensure that they meet compliance regulations and are submissible in a court of law, if necessary.


Speed up Workflows

Virtually eliminate time-consuming manual processes involving extensive paperwork. Take back time typically spent on daily administrative tasks with the implementation of online workflows that guide customers through various processes with automated tailoring of questions. Easily collect and manage all relevant details in a designated portal or an integrated system.

Offer a Secure Experience

Collect and manage highly sensitive information in a secure online environment that meets current data privacy regulations. Offer a tailored approach to customers that provides a more streamlined and positive experience. Collect and follow up on electronic signatures, ensuring that all documents are signed and authenticated in a timely manner.


Taktikal Solutions for Legal services

Drop & Sign
The simple way to get a document signed with standard and qualified signatures.
Drop & Sign
Smart Forms
Ensure compliance with custom integrated authentication flows for apps and websites. No code needed!
Smart Forms
Fill & Sign
Fill in forms and sign PDF documents in your browser. Converts PDF’s into dynamic web forms.
Fill & Sign
Integrate API web services for signatures and authentication into your own systems.

Need more details?

Download our white paper to learn how Taktikal can help supercharge your legal compliance and signature workflows.