activity log blog

Document activity logs: more than a nice-to-have

In our increasingly technical world, we have access to so many options for keeping track of our lives. From how many steps we take, to the real-time location of our family members and friends, to all of our spending habits. 

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Customer onboarding blog asset

Three easy ways to improve the customer onboarding experience

Onboarding. For companies, a never-ending quest to figure out the best balance between meeting customer expectations and providing a great experience while ensuring that all necessary details are gathered, managed, and stored accurately and securely. Not to mention doing so in a way that can help save employee time and cost.

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automation blog

The actual impact of automation on business

There’s been a lot of discussion about Artificial Intelligence (AI). From sci-fi movies of robots that are too smart for their own (or humankind’s) good, the reality of advancements in AI technology has had some clear impacts on our lives and is expected to continue to change the way we live and work.

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implement new systems bp

Handling change resistance when implementing new systems

Routine can seem mundane, but in a workplace it can also be a great backbone of productivity. However, with routine can also come some negatives - an over-reliance on how things are done, an attitude that the established ways are the best ways…basically, a resistance to change.

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digital change legal teams

3 ways legal teams can embrace digital change

While the legal industry is highly traditional, in previous blog posts we have touched on the fact that there is one area that is experiencing bigger, faster changes when it comes to digital transformation in daily work: legal departments within companies.

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Digital document integrity for legal services

Digital document integrity in the legal industry

In our previous blog article, we took a closer look at why some industries still seem to be lagging behind when it comes to digital transformation. Even following the events of the last few years, which forced most businesses to change the way they operated, some are still clinging to traditional practices and operations. One such industry is: legal.

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law digital transformation

The digitalization of legal services

It would be difficult to argue that digitalization has not had a far-reaching effect on every aspect of our lives as individuals. For businesses, it’s no different. With the rapid changes required when it became clear that the pandemic was not going to be a short-term blip, digital transformation became more than just a future goal but a necessity for surviving a time unlike any we’ve experienced in our lifetimes.

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Improving digital trust with a roadmap

What’s most important in interacting with companies in an online environment? From payment transactions to signing up for a service to accessing an onboarding form, it’s impossible to deny that today, one of the primary concerns for customers and businesses alike is: trust. In this case, digital trust.

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Speed up sales blog

Speed up sales with digital workflows

If you’re running a business, you’re likely handling sales of one form or another. It could be you personally nurturing leads and bringing in new customers, or it might be an entire department of staff working hard to follow up and secure the sale, moving the customer to the onboarding process.

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SfBOS blog image

Solving construction industry pain points with digital workflows

Building software solutions is not too dissimilar from physical building work…if you don’t take the physical part into account. Otherwise, the right solution - like the right construction project - identifies a need, determines who and what is required to get the job done, and eventually creates a space that meets the needs of those using it - virtually, that is.

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what e-signing can do for your workplace

What eSignatures can do for your business

For many businesses, before the events of 2020, electronic signature options were rarely necessary. Some companies had already started to adopt e-signing options as part of a general digital transformation plan, while new companies were looking to implement them as part of a process from the start in order to appeal to an increasingly digital target audience.

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Seals in a digital world

What’s an electronic seal and should you be using one?

An electronic seal serves the same purpose as a physical seal: it ensures the integrity of a document. A seal shows that the document is fully finalized and that the contents of that document have not been altered since the time the seal was applied. Electronic seals work in the same way, just in digital form.

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documents signed fast digitally

The key to getting documents signed quickly

Making it easy to sign. It’s a simple answer, right? And yet how many times have businesses taken the time to create, edit, approve, and send out important documentation and then waited for seemingly ages to receive the signed version back from the signee?

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eSigning etiquette asset

Are you following the etiquette for digital workflows?

It’s the digital equivalent of reading the instructions…when learning how to use new software, how many of us take the time to watch or read tutorials while taking notes and then applying what we’ve learned by diligently following step-by-step? In a world where our attention spans are rapidly decreasing, our guess is: not many.

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eSigning across borders

Signatures across borders

In a world increasingly connected, even across long distances, there are situations where we find ourselves far from the ability to appear in person to handle requests or deal with formal documentation.

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Better start to digital employee onboarding

A better start to employee onboarding

There are plenty of discussions around the digitalization of workflows - typically on the customer facing side as well as data-driven processes. Everything from new customer forms to insurance claims to bank account applications and more…today there are simple, digital solutions to nearly any document workflow, both internal and external.

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How do we make security awareness fun?

Now that Taktikal is embarking on a journey to reach new markets and expand our product offerings we decided it was a good idea to obtain  an ISO 27001 Information Security Standard certification, so that we can show our customers that we take the security of their data seriously. 

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Filing cabinet document security

Document security and your business

The traditional thin metal filing cabinets with a built-in key lock were the standard for businesses looking to keep their paperwork secure. Additional measures could be taken of course - placing those cabinets behind several locked doors, minimizing the number of people with access to keys, or even installing more heavy duty safes for highly confidential documents.

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How document tracking can help your business

Can document activity tracking help your business?

Today many of us rely heavily on digital solutions for running our lives, from our daily habits to our finances and our businesses. Companies have access to some truly impressive solutions that enable them to take their processes online and build better workflows, improve efficiency, cut costs, and improve security and compliance.

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Electronic time stamping why

The importance of electronic time stamping

What does the term ‘time stamping’ bring to mind? For many, it’s likely a small machine that physically stamps a document or a ticket with a particular date and time, validating the paper document for a set period or indicating the finalized version.

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